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Technical Manager
The Technical Manager’s work supports the Strategic Management Team and is integral to the smooth running of Peninsula Pensions.
Mike Germon Technical Manager
Employer and Communications Team
Our specialized Employer and Communications team is here to collaborate with you. We offer guidance and support tailored to individual needs, as well as specific training if required.
Emma Davies Employer and Communications Team Manager Mark Griffin Employer Communications and Training Officer Kathryn Towl Senior Pensions Technician – Employer and Communications Edward Hipkiss Pensions Technician – Employer and Communications Ben Waller Pensions Technician – Employer and Communications Beverly Clegg Pensions Administrator – Employer and Communications Abi Fedrick Pensions Administrator – Employer and Communications Member Support Team
Our Member Support Team are the face of Peninsula, providing responses to member enquiries through their channel of choice – via our call centre, through email or directly via our recently relaunched Member Self Service platform
Gareth Shackler Team Manager William Moore Senior Pensions Technician Emma Henderson Pensions Technician Mattie Gravett Pensions Technician Scott Wilson Pensions Technician Naomi Allen Pensions Technician Zohra Kanani Pensions Administrator Chris Fisher Pensions Administrator Apprentice Pensions Administrator
Member Services Teams
The Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) Member Services Teams are grouped into employer teams who are responsible for the majority of work performed on behalf of current, deferred and prospective members of the scheme. The work ranges from general administration (such as address/name changes, requests for scheme literature, and transfer requests to previous employers) to the actual calculations and payment of retirement benefits.
Senior Team Managers
Marcella Parr Kate Simpson Plymouth City Council, Somerset Council, SCC paid employers.
Chris Collyer Team Manager Tony Sullivan Senior Pensions Technician Chris Harris Pensions Technician Nick Jones Pensions Technician Michelle Abrahams Pensions Technician Kim Drew Pensions Technician Catherine Shorter Pensions Technician Flora Heffernan Pensions Administrator Devon County Council (DCC), Plymouth Uni, Torbay Council and DCC paid academies
Kate Simpson Senior Team Manager Kalin Lane Team Manager Vicky Shepherd Senior Pensions Technician Nicky Cobb Pensions Technician Lucy Stephenson Pensions Technician Luan Crawford Pensions Technician Ellen Nolan Pensions Technician Sarah Garland Pensions Technician Kye Fitton-Sherrard Pensions Administrator Police and Fire LGPS employers, Somerset employers (except Somerset Council and Somerset Council paid employers)
Fiona Samways Team Manager Neil Pook Senior Pensions Technician Fred Atkinson Pensions Technician Alec White Pensions Technician Jade Blakey Pensions Technician Ollie Blackmore Pensions Technician Pippa Cutler Pensions Administrator Apprentice (Vacancy) Pensions Administrator Devon LGPS Fund employers (not including DCC, DCC paid academies, Plymouth City Council, Plymouth University, Torbay Council and Police and Fire schemes)
Claire Kissane Team Manager Lee Hopkins Senior Pensions Technician Helen Nettelton Pensions Technician Steph King Pensions Technician Alice Dennis Pensions Technician Lucy Owen Pensions Technician Amy Griffin Pensions Technician Niall Burland Pensions Technician Jolie Sellek Pensions Administrator Member Services Workflow Management Team
Marcella Parr Senior Team Manager Ben Snowden Senior Pensions Technician Hollie Norton Pensions Technician Christine Tucker Pensions Technician Megan Kilbey Pensions Technician Taylor Sheahan Pensions Administrator Apprentice Pensions Administrator
Police and Fire Team
The Police and Fire Team is responsible for the majority of work performed on behalf of current, deferred and prospective members of the Police and Fire Pension schemes we administer. The work ranges from general administration (such as address or name changes, requests for scheme literature, and transfer requests to previous employers) to the actual calculations and payment of retirement benefits.
David Morris Team Manager Rob Kean Senior Pensions Technician Rebecca Dyball Pensions Technician
Technical and Training Team
The Technical and Training team provides the technical advice and training to Peninsula Pensions staff. They manage all procedures and yearly projects such as Annual Allowance. They also deliver presentations to scheme members on specific LGPS topics as required.
Emma Sanders Senior Technical and Training Officer Melissa McCarthy Senior Technical and Training Officer Robert May Team Manager (Projects) Annette Wass Team Manager (Projects) Nick Baggot Technical and Training Officer Joana Osorio Pensions Technician
Pensioner Payroll Team
The Pensioner and Payroll team manages payrolls on behalf of the Local Government, Police and Fire Pension Schemes administered by Peninsula Pensions.
Vadims Kapkajevs Pension Payroll Manager Tegan Stainer Payroll Officer Edita Jefferson Pensions Technician Natalie Boyer Pensions Technician Atefe Dadkhah Pensions Technician
The Finance team is responsible for the producing and monitoring the Pension Admin Budget and closure of its accounts, debt recovery, payment of invoices, allocation of bank payments, financial coding structure and reconciliation of payroll and other financial requirements.
Michelle Jackson Finance Team Manager Angy Hallows Finance Team Manager (Secondment) Jane Bridle Finance Technician Justina Smith Finance Administrator
Systems Development Team
The Systems Development Team manages the pension database and Member Self-Service area for Peninsula Pensions. They update systems and run reports as required by employers, pension fund accounts, and actuaries.
Jane Aplin Systems and Development Manager Richard Tuck Systems and Development Officer Sophie Downer Systems and Development Officer James Dyche Systems Technician Steve Bradford Systems Technician Gordon Turner Systems Technician Tom Bird Systems Technician
Investment Team
Each LGPS administering authority pays its benefits from a dedicated pension fund. Both the scheme member and their employer pay into this fund in order to provide retirement benefits for the member once they reach retirement age, or earlier if the situation demands. The contributions paid into the scheme are invested in a variety of bonds and shares and this is the responsibility of the Investment Management Team.