How to tell us about changes
Your pension is paid on the last working day of each month and in order to do this, we need to prepare the records for processing. This means that any changes to your address or bank details received after the 16th of the month (or after the 4 December) will not be updated until the following month.
The quickest way to change your personal details or banking information, is through our online portal Member Self Service (MSS). To register, simply visit our website, click on the Members login and follow the instructions.
Alternatively you can still notify us of any changes by the following methods:
In writing only:
• If your bank or building society details change. We will require your signature, and therefore cannot accept changes by phone and email for security reasons
In writing or via email if you:
• change your address.
• change your name because of marriage, civil partnership or divorce. Please include a copy of the decree absolute, marriage certificate, or deed poll change.
• need to let us know a dependant’s pension should stop as they have left full time education.
We will issue you with a P60 every April. If you misplace your P60 and require a duplicate, please get in touch.
Dealing with the Financial Affairs of a Pensioner
If you are dealing with the financial affairs of one of our pensioners, we need sight of a Power of Attorney or Court Order which is lodged (officially stamped by) the Office for the Public Guardian. We will accept a DWP appointeeship whilst you are in process of obtaining the relevant documents. Without either we will not be able to discuss the matter with you.
Tax Code Queries
We apply tax codes as directed by HMRC.
If you wish to view current tax codes or have a query about the tax code assigned to your pension, please log on to your HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) personal tax account or telephone 0300 200 3300. If you are in the Devon Pension Fund, please quote PAYE reference 070/D1S. If you are in the Somerset Pension Fund, please quote PAYE reference 120/RB26003
Lifetime Allowance (LTA)
The LTA came into effect on 6th April 2006 and all pensions (excluding state and dependants’ pensions, but including new pensions coming into payment from other sources) will need to be checked against the LTA. If you started receiving your pension on the 6th April 2006 or later, you will find the percentage of the lifetime allowance you have currently accrued on your P60. Please note that if you have any other pension benefits about to be paid you will need to let the other provider know this figure.
Annual Pensions Increase
Pensions are increased on the first Monday of the financial year and will be based on the
date that your pension commenced.Because the increase is payable partly though April, your April pension payment will only include some days at the new rate, but subsequent months’ payments will include the full amount.
Any LGPS pension increase is determined by the previous September’s Consumer Price Index (CPI) and will automatically be applied to your pension whether you are a retired member or receiving a survivor’s pension. The latest increase rates can be found on the website.
The only exception is if you are a retired member under 55, as Pensions Increase is not awarded to anyone under that age, except for certain ill health cases.
If you haven’t been receiving your pension for a full year, then you won’t get a full year’s increase. However, if you retired in the previous financial year after accruing Career Average Revalued Earnings (CARE) benefits your pension may be subject to a notional revaluation before pensions increase is applied, to take account of the full financial year.
If any of your pension is based on service between April 1978 and March 1997 and you were over State Retirement Age before 6th April 2016, the full increase may not be reflected in your Local Government Pension. This element of your pension increase is paid by the Department of Work and Pensions and your state pension will be adjusted accordingly. For further information please visit our Guaranteed Minimum Pension (GMP) page.