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The information in this section relates to those with at least two years’ qualifying service.

If you have at least two years’ qualifying service and you are an active member of the 2015 Scheme you will be able to retire at its normal pension age of 60 (or at its normal minimum pension age of 55, but this will be subject to actuarial reduction) with an immediate pension.

Pensions are paid on the first working day of every month, unless this day falls on a weekend or a bank holiday.

Qualifying service

Qualifying service means the calendar length of any continuous period of pensionable service under the 2015 scheme (not including any gap in service, any career break or any other period of unpaid leave), plus any previous pensionable service or employment which you have transferred into the scheme and, if applicable, your period of pensionable service under the 1987 scheme or the 2006 scheme.


A member of a police force was a member of another pension scheme for two calendar years and transfers those benefits into the 2015 scheme.

His/her transferred benefits may not be equivalent to two years’ worth of accrual in the scheme. However, his/her qualifying service in respect of his/her transferred benefits would remain equal to two years.

An active member who intends to retire must claim payment of the pension, giving at least one month’s written notice.

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