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In 2014, new laws introduced a ‘Career Average Revalued Earnings’ (CARE) Local Government Pension Scheme. These laws included protections for those closest to retirement.

Following a legal challenge known as McCloud, Sargeant, the courts determined that the protections given to members were age discriminatory.

Following the Department for Levelling up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) response to the 2020 consultation on amendments to the LGPS statutory underpin on the 6 April 2023, the LGPS has created new areas in the national member website for England, Wales and Scotland dedicated to the McCloud remedy.

The new area includes:

  • A short video
  • FAQs
  • An interactive Am I affected? Tool
  • Examples of how members may be affected
  • More detailed information about the remedy will affect different types of member.

Please also see a member factsheet summarising the changes being made to the LGPS in England and Wales

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