As of July 2024, Member Self Service has received an update to be more user friendly, following a scheme member engagement study by our database providers.
The new design helps all scheme members to understand their pension helping them to plan for their retirement. The new home page is now more intuitive and provides easy secure access to your pension entitlement. There you will find information about the new Member Service, including how to register and sign in, the new Annual Benefits Statement page, and a new financial planner to help you plan for retirement.
How do I sign up for Member Self Service?
On any page of the website, in the top right hand corner, there is a member login button. Please click this which will take you to the Member Self Service page. Set up process should be self-explanatory, however the pensions team will need to send you out an activation code to complete your application.
How Do I Change My Personal Details On Member Self Service?
Once logged into Member Self Service, please direct yourself to the contact us section. Here are a range of questions which can be sent into us at Peninsula Pensions, where one of our team will get back to you and aid you with your query.
Can I use the same email address as my partner, who is also signed up to member self-service?
Unfortunately, member self service cannot accept the same email address on two accounts. Please provide an alternative email. We recommend using a personal email address not your work one to avoid any issues when you are absent from work or cease employment.
I have more than one pension but can only see one
You should see a triangle at the end of your name and employer on the dashboard. This acts as a drop-down menu and will allow you to view any other pensions.
How do I upload documents to Member Self Service?
To upload a document please go to the Documents section after logging on and click on ‘Document Upload’.