My name has changed/is incorrect?
You can go to our website and send us a notification through Member Self Service.
Please advise your employer as well.
What happens to my pension during strike action?
The LGPS members website has more information on how strike action affects your pension, which can be found here.
How can I opt out?
Please see information on our Opting Out page.
My marital/partnership status is incorrect?
Copies of certificates are not required until actual retirement.
However, if you wish us to change it now please go to our website and send us a notification through the Member Self Service.
I haven't been sent a statement?
If you started on or after 1 April in the current year then no statement is due.
- If you started on or after 1 April 2015 you will not receive a paper statement, only an electronic one via our Member Self Service (MSS) portal.
- If you started pre 1 April 2015 – you will not receive a paper statement unless you opted out of electronic communication. Your statement will be available to view via our Member Self Service (MSS) portal.
- Occasionally member statements may be delayed, if this has occurred we will notify you accordingly.
I want to nominate my co habiting partner?
The scheme rules have changed meaning that members no longer have to nominate a partner. Any partner at the time of death will need to provide evidence that they meet the criteria.
Please find information on our Survivors Benefits page.
I want to complete an expression of wish form for death benefits?
You can complete this on Member Self Service.
If you’ve not signed up please see our Death grant expression of wish nomination page and complete the Expression of Wish Form.
My address has changed?
You can change your address details through Member Self Service.
My lump sum is not correct?
The standard lump sum is only calculated for service up to 31/3/2008, therefore the only increase to it is because of changes to a member’s final pensionable salary.
If you require more information please contact us through Member Self Service.
How can I top up my benefits?
Please find information on our Increasing your pension benefits (topping up) page.
Do I need to make a claim regarding the McCloud judgement?
No, if you qualify for protection it will apply automatically.
The hours that I work are wrong on my statement?
The CARE scheme is based on actual pensionable pay each financial year, no adjustments are due if the member is part time, so hours are not needed. However, we do ask employers to keep us updated with changes.
Please contact your employer in the first instance as Peninsula Pensions only use data supplied by the member’s employer.
When are Annual Benefit Statements sent?
We are required to issue annual statements by 31 August each year. We will only post out statements to members who commenced prior to 1 April 2015 and opted out of electronic communication. All other members statements will be available in their personal account on our secure Member Self Service portal.
How much have I paid into my pension?
Our contributions page provides you with information on the different contribution rates.
If you want to know exacts amounts you paid this will be located on your pay advices and P60. You can also log on to Member Self Service to see the latest information we hold on you.
How much has my employer paid into my pension/what percentage do they contribute?
The amount your employer contributes is set by a professional expert called an actuary and is based on ensuring the fund can cover the cost of benefits it will have to pay out. The actuary reviews the employer rates every three years.
Please contact your employer if you wish to know their current rate.
Why is my pension so much less than my contributions?
The LGPS is a defined benefit pension scheme. This means it has a set formula to calculate benefits. The Government Actuary Department assesses the rates of contributions members and employers need to pay in order to maintain the level of benefits the LGPS cover. This assessment is reviewed every three years.
Information on the benefits offered can be found on our Your pension scheme pages.
The pay on my record is wrong, how can I query this?
Your benefits are calculated based on the pay figures provided by your employer. It is important that you check these figures and contact your employer if there are any inaccuracies. More information regarding pensionable pay can be found on our website https://www.peninsulapensions.org.uk/members/local-government/your-contributions/pensionable-pay/
How do i opt into the LGPS
If you are not brought into the scheme automatically, or have previously opted out and now wish to opt into the scheme, you can do so by completing our opting in form.
Why are there 2 salary figures shown on this statement
The CARE salary applies to post 2014 benefits, where as the Final Pensionable salary applies to pre 2014 benefits. If there are any further discrepancies, please contact your employer.