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Monthly returns for contributions

Pension fund contributions for both employees and employers are due on the last day of the month to which they relate and should reach us no later than the 7th of the following month. Any delay may result in interest being charged.

Please pay by BACS to:
Devon County Council Pension Fund
Sort code: 20-30-54
Account number: 60079626

When a payment is made into the Devon Pension Fund account relating to the contributions, you must include your employers number in the narrative. This number contains 3 digits and should match the employer number you state on the EAS5 online form.

The intention is that the contributions will be allocated with fewer queries as the payment will be matched to the EAS5 form.

Paying by cheque

In exceptional circumstances, we can accept payments by cheque. Please make cheques payable to ‘Devon County Council Pension Fund’ and send them to:

Peninsula Pensions
Great Moor House
Bittern Road
Sowton Industrial Estate
Exeter, EX2 7NL

EAS5 monthly contribution form

Once payment of the contributions has been made, you will need to complete the online EAS5 form detailing the payment and confirming your employer number.

The correct payment date that funds will reach the bank account is also required on the form.

Deficit payments

Please ensure the reference on the payment matches the reference quoted by the Investments Team as this will assist our allocation and reduce queries.

Payment of Devon Fund invoices

Please pay by BACS to:

  • Account Name: Devon County Council Pension Fund
  • Sort code: 20-30-54
  • Account number: 60079626
  • Quoting Debtor invoice number as a reference
  • Submit remittance to

End of year data

Each year you must provide us with details of the pension contributions paid by each of your employees who were members of the scheme at any time in that financial year.

The Systems Development Team will write to you at the beginning of each year to request each member’s current working hours and full-time equivalent pensionable salary as at the previous 31 March along with the data we need for the career average revalued earnings (CARE) pension benefits if not already provided.

A template will also be provided to ensure we obtain the necessary information which is used to provide the members’ Annual Benefit Statements.

For more information on the process, please contact the Systems Development Team.

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