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The Systems Development team manages the pension database and member self-service area for Peninsula Pensions.

They update systems, member records and run reports as required by employers, pension fund accountants and actuaries.

Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) annual returns

Each employer contributing to the pension fund are obliged to supply Peninsula Pensions with relevant data for every active member of the pension scheme during the preceding financial year (1 April to 31 March inclusive).

We use the year-end process to reconcile member records with your payroll data and to correctly account for all starters and leavers during the period and to produce an Annual Benefit Statement (ABS) for every scheme member. Please refer to the Employer annual return guide.

Download the LGPS annual return template

Helpful reminders when completing the annual return:

  • One line of data for each member employment/pension record
  • Casual employments – please include all casual employees who are in the pension scheme, regardless of whether they paid any contributions in the final year; this applies to all 3 tabs. This is important as we need to know if the member is still active on your payroll, even if they didn’t claim in this financial year, so we don’t treat them as a leaver.
  • FTE salary at 31st March – please bear in mind the difference between Devon and Somerset for term-time employees.
  • CARE Pay – one line of data for each employment (including casual employments whether they were paid or not); this is the actual pensionable pay and Assumed Pensionable pay received in respect of each employment.


Interfacing is a catch-all term for the routine exchange of common data in a pre-determined format, namely Microsoft Excel in our case.

There is a benefit for both employers and Peninsula Pensions as it provides a quick and efficient method of creating/maintaining member records. 

For more information on interfaces, please see our employer interfacing guide. If you are interested in starting to use the interfaces, please email, who will arrange for the interface template to be sent to you.

Please see below our video guide to completing the monthly CARE interface

Pensions interfaces mailbox

Please submit your interfaces or any related queries to Please also use this mailbox for submission of member CARE data.

Data quality exercise

The Systems Development Team are undertaking a data quality exercise for all LGPS Pension Fund employers.

It’s in accordance with the Pension Regulator specification and involves a series of checks to validate the personal and financial data held on our records for all active members of the LGPS.

Please see our employer data quality guide for more information.

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