If you have received an invoice and need to make a payment to the Pension Fund, please follow the instructions below:
To pay directly from your bank
Divorce payments for both Devon and Somerset Pension Funds:
- Account Name: Devon County Council – Pension Fund
- Sort code: 20-30-54
- Account number: 60079626
- State the invoice number as your reference.
Devon Pension Fund – Please quote the following details:
- Account Name: Devon County Council – Pension Fund
- Sort code: 20-30-54
- Account number: 60079626
- State the invoice number as your reference.
Somerset Pension Fund – please quote the following details:
- Account Name: Somerset Council Pension Fund
- Sort Code: 60-80-06
- Account number: 59645962
- State the invoice number as your reference
Please note that payments made by this method may take up to five working days to be debited from your account.
To pay by cheque
In exceptional circumstances, we may sometimes accept payment by cheque. Please make cheques payable to Devon County Council – Pension Fund and crossed with the words ‘A/C Payee’, quoting your invoice or reference number with any correspondence.
Please send your cheque to:
Peninsula Pensions
Great Moor House
Bittern Rd
Sowton Industrial Estate
We can only accept post-dated cheques by prior arrangement. Please don’t send us cash through the post. If you require a receipt, please send a stamped addressed envelope.
To pay at a bank or post office
You may pay at a bank or post office using the tear-off paying-in slip on the reverse of the invoice.
To pay by standing order
Payments made by this method are usually by prior agreement for a specified period. You will need to contact your bank to arrange payment using the sort code and account number shown above for ‘To pay directly from your bank’.
To make a payment by telephone
You may make a payment over the phone using your credit or debit card. Please call the Devon County Councils Finance and Public Value Department on 01392 382374 or 01392 382780, between 8.30 am and 5.00 pm.
Please have your bill and card details ready and advise the operator that it is a payment to the Pension Fund.
To make a payment in person
You may make a payment by cash, cheque, credit or debit card at The Cashier’s Office at County Hall, Topsham Road, Exeter, EX2 4QJ.