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As of July 2024, Member Self Service has received an update to be more user friendly, following a scheme member engagement study by our database providers.

The new design helps all scheme members to understand their pension helping them to plan for their retirement. The new home page is now more intuitive and provides easy secure access to your pension entitlement. There you will find information about the new Member Service, including how to register and sign in, the new Annual Benefits Statement page, and a new financial planner to help you plan for retirement.

Please note that Internet Explorer will not work with the New Member Self Service. Opt for browsers such as Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, or Mozilla Firefox

  • Finding the MSS website

    The link to the Member Self Service portal can be found in the top right-hand corner of our web pages under ‘Member Login’

  • How to register for MSS

    If you need to register for Member Self Service, or have already got a Member Self Service account that needs to be transferred to the new system, please watch our registration video which will instruct you on how to do this successfully.

    If you have any issues, please do not hesitate to contact our member support team on 01392 383200

  • I have forgotten my password

    If you have forgotten your password, please click on the link on the sign in page. This will take you to the following page:

    You will need to enter your email here, at which point it will take you to a page prompting you to enter your new password, confirm your new password, and enter your reset code. If you have entered your email address correctly, you will have received a 6-digit code in your email. Please enter this code, and your password will be changed.

  • LGPS Personal Benefits Statement Video

    You will now see on your Personal Benefits Statement page that there is a video which will summarise your pension benefits. This will give you a brief overview of your pension benefits, however, if you want more in-depth information, please see each tab.

    Image shows 4 tabs reading, Video Overview, What you could get when you retire, Pension Breakdown, Your Death Benefits.

Below reads, Your 2023 Pension Explained
This personalised 5 minute video is unique to your pension and will walk you through the most important parts of your annual benefit statement.
  • Planning your retirement

    There is a new planning your retirement page found on Member Self Service.

    You will be taken to a page where you can choose between three different types of retirement, being:

    • Essentials Covered – This target ensures all your basic needs are covered, with some left over for fun and social occasions.
    • Living Comfortably – This gives you more flexibility in retirement and gives you more to spend on leisure activities.
    • Luxurious Retirement – This target lifestyle that allows you to be more spontaneous with your money and go on more holidays.

    You will be directed to choose which one of these sounds like your dream retirement. Following this, you will be taken to a page where you can amend your budget for your projected retirement, which you can amend for yourself. Finally, a page will appear which will compare your target and projected income, as well as a lump sum calculator you can take and any other income you may have!

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