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If you are returning to the police force after a gap in service (this does not include a career break) not exceeding 5 years, you may be able to accrue future benefits in the scheme.

If you once again become an active member of the scheme after a gap in service not exceeding 5 years your pension will be revalued as if during the gap in service you were an active member (that is, revalued in line with CPI+1.25% per year) but as if you received no pensionable earnings.

You are strongly advised to check your position with your pensions administrator regarding the protection of your accrued rights and other protections under the 1987 scheme or the 2006 scheme.

If you once again become an active member of the scheme after a gap in service exceeding 5 years, the pension you accrued under the scheme before your gap in service will be a deferred pension and will be revalued in line with CPI each year from the date you began your gap in service.

Pension accrued during your current period of service as an active member will be revalued in line with CPI+1.25% per year while you remain an active member.

For the purposes of the final salary link (used for calculating benefits under the 1987 scheme or the 2006 scheme), service under the 1987 scheme or the 2006 scheme will be taken to end when you began your gap in service, therefore you are strongly advised to check your position with your pensions administrator.

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